



Check whether there are any configuration issues with the benchmark.

check_surrogate(surrogate, conf)

Check whether the required models for the benchmark are present in the expected directories.

clean_metrics(metrics, conf)

Clean the metrics dictionary to remove problematic entries.

convert_dict_to_scientific_notation(d[, ...])

Convert all numerical values in a dictionary to scientific notation.


Recursively convert data to standard types that can be serialized to YAML.


Count the number of trainable parameters in the model.


Recursively remove dictionary entries that contain NumPy arrays.

flatten_dict(d[, parent_key, sep])

Flatten a nested dictionary.


Format a duration given in seconds as hh:mm:ss.

format_time(mean_time, std_time)

Format mean and std time consistently in ns, µs, ms, or s.

get_model_config(surr_name, config)

Get the model configuration for a specific surrogate model from the dataset folder.

get_required_models_list(surrogate, conf)

Generate a list of required models based on the configuration settings.


Check if the surrogate model exists.

load_model(model, training_id, surr_name, ...)

Load a trained surrogate model.

make_comparison_csv(metrics, config)

Generate a CSV file comparing metrics for different surrogate models.

measure_inference_time(model, test_loader[, ...])

Measure total inference time over a DataLoader across multiple runs.

measure_memory_footprint(model, inputs)

Measure the memory footprint of a model during forward and backward passes using peak memory tracking and explicit synchronization.

save_table_csv(headers, rows, config)

Save the CLI table (headers and rows) to a CSV file.

write_metrics_to_yaml(surr_name, conf, metrics)

Write the benchmark metrics to a YAML file.