



Returns a list of colors sampled from a custom color palette.

inference_time_bar_plot(surrogates, means, ...)

Plot the mean inference time with standard deviation for different surrogate models.

int_ext_sparse(all_metrics, config)

Function to make one comparative plot of the interpolation, extrapolation, and sparse training errors.

plot_MAE_comparison(MAEs, labels, config[, save])

Plot the MAE for different surrogate models.

plot_MAE_comparison_train_duration(MAEs, ...)

Plot the MAE for different surrogate models over the course of training.

plot_average_errors_over_time(surr_name, ...)

Plot the errors over time for different modes (interpolation, extrapolation, sparse, batchsize).

plot_average_uncertainty_over_time(...[, save])

Plot the average uncertainty over time.


Plot comparative heatmaps of correlation between gradient and prediction errors for multiple surrogate models.


Plot comparative heatmaps of correlation between predictive uncertainty and prediction errors for multiple surrogate models.

plot_dynamic_correlation(surr_name, conf, ...)

Plot the correlation between the gradients of the data and the prediction errors.

plot_dynamic_correlation_heatmap(surr_name, ...)

Plot the correlation between predictive uncertainty and prediction errors using a heatmap.

plot_error_correlation_heatmap(surr_name, ...)

Plot the correlation between predictive uncertainty and prediction errors using a heatmap.

plot_error_distribution_comparative(errors, conf)

Plot the comparative distribution of errors for each surrogate model as a smoothed histogram plot.

plot_error_distribution_per_chemical(...[, ...])

Plot the distribution of errors for each chemical as a smoothed histogram plot.


Plot example predictions with uncertainty.

plot_generalization_error_comparison(...[, ...])

Plot the generalization errors of different surrogate models.

plot_generalization_errors(surr_name, conf, ...)

Plot the generalization errors of a model for various metrics.

plot_loss_comparison(train_losses, ...[, save])

Plot the training and test losses for different surrogate models.

plot_losses(loss_histories, labels[, title, ...])

Plot the loss trajectories for the training of multiple models.

plot_relative_errors(mean_errors, ...[, save])

Plot the relative errors over time for different surrogate models.

plot_relative_errors_over_time(surr_name, ...)

Plot the mean and median relative errors over time with shaded regions for the 50th, 90th, and 99th percentiles.

plot_surr_losses(model, surr_name, conf, ...)

Plot the training and test losses for the surrogate model.

plot_uncertainty_over_time_comparison(...[, ...])

Plot the uncertainty over time for different surrogate models.

plot_uncertainty_vs_errors(surr_name, conf, ...)

Plot the correlation between predictive uncertainty and prediction errors.

rel_errors_and_uq(metrics, config[, save])

Create a figure with two subplots: relative errors over time and uncertainty over time for different surrogate models.

save_plot(plt, filename, conf[, surr_name, ...])

Save the plot to a file, creating necessary directories if they don't exist.

save_plot_counter(filename, directory[, ...])

Save a plot with an incremented filename if a file with the same name already exists.